viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012


The advantatges of lives in a rural village are more since there are not many moises and in the citis it is calmer and therefore you relax more.
I'm the village you breathe pure air since there is not pollution, on the contrary in the cities there is a lot of pollution and this is huetful fot the health.
The villatge provides you a confortable life and a very good relation with the people that live in the same place. On the contrary in the city each person concerns for himself same and the way to live is not as much confortable, since people always stressed, have prisioner in arriving the place.


The new tecnologies we have today such as internet, telephone... Keep the people united.
Because since we are young we are these tecnologies.
And that is because we have his childhood curiosity to use the this inventions the positive aspect of using these tecnologies such as facebook, is that we can talk to friends or family who live in another place or country.
An thanks to this we can be connected.
One downside of using tecnologies would be that we don't pay attention to the family.
This means fpr example when we are 12 years we are more in our compuer, mobile...
Than with the family. We don't out play with friends...
In conclusion using this tecnologies allows use to exchange information and know everything tah happens any time.


I am against tobacco. My opinion is that the tobacoo is a drug and therefore it can cause death.
The tobacco is one of the causes that many people die for cancer... Also smoking tobacco is a drug that sticks on an it is very dificult leave it. And every time people behind to smoke younger and therefore the living hope small month. And one of the causes that government does not ban the tobacco is that the sale of tobacco is so big that they win a lof of money. And therefore only they do that goes up the price.


Divorce rates are increasing in Europe. Because many of the people that want to give a futher slep in their life, and want to marry still are not prepared to do it.
And this causes that there is infidelity, arguments...
My opinion is that if you are much in love with your couple and you have been going out with for some have it very well already are prepared for the marriage and to form a family.
What happens in Europe is that many couples get marriad very soon and after this ends in divorce.
I think that the marriage to unite better the couple .