viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010


Jack Daniel's is a destil·leria and brand of whisky of Tennessee the fabrication of distillation is identical to the of the whisky in practically all, and the people alone confuse them. The most difference is that the Tennessee whisky is filtered in coal of arce sacarino, giving him a flavour and only aroma. Known for his rectangular bottles and his black label, the company, established in Lynchburg, Tennessee, was purchased by the company Brown-Form in 1957.
It thinks that the founder Jasper Newton "Jack" Daniel was born to the September of 1850, although apparently anybody knows the exact date. If the date of 1850 is correct, he rotted to have done destilador authorised to the age of 16 years, then the destil·leria has as a date of foundation 1866. Other registers place his date by birth the 5 of September of 1846, and in his biography of the 2004 Blood & Whiskey (Blood and Whiskey): The Life and Estafis of Jack Daniel (Life and work of Jack Daniel), the author Peter Krass keeps that as the registers the destil·leria was not founded until 1875. Daniel was son of a family of thirteen brothers, downward of Wales
Since Jack Daniel never married and did not have children, took to his favourite nephew, Lem Motlow, under his protection. Lem Had good hand for the numerals and soon commissioned of the accountancy of the destil·leria. In 1907, because of his problems of health, Jack Daniel yields the destil·leria to his nephew. In 1911 Jack dies for poisoning of blood because of an infection.
Reportedly this infection was produced in his big finger of the foot giving put to his strong box to the no can open it a morning early in the work. It says that always had problems remembering the combination.

1 comentario:

  1. It's not a bad whisky... but don't drink too much of it...
    Have a nice weekend!
